
Love More

January 25, 2016

Miki à la Mode - Love MoreJanuary is the time where we might be the hardest on ourselves.  Many of us make New Year’s resolutions at the beginning of the month and set the bar high.

In high school, I made all these resolutions.  For years, I told myself I’d get abs and kept telling myself that this would be the year.  I was very athletic as a kid who played every sport that was offered in school. I did every track event by the time I was in junior high (grade 8), was even recommended into sports camp, but let me tell you, even into my early 20’s, I still didn’t get abs. Just because you’re athletic and have good motor skills, doesn’t mean you’re gonna get abs.

Years ago before I met my husband, I went through a bad breakup and pretty much had it with where I was in life. I said to myself, “No more excuses – I’m going to do everything I’ve been dreaming of”. I went after everything I wanted and worked out harder and more than I had ever before.  I always told myself there was nothing to lose.  If I didn’t ask for it or work for it, 100% guaranteed I’d never get it.

I didn’t get as lean as I wanted, but I worked out a lot, ate well and finally got those damn abs! Even at my leanest, I wasn’t satisfied.  I looked good and healthy, but I wanted more.

At my last job, I worked with a lot of wonderful female colleagues.  We were all different shapes and sizes, but I always thought they were all beautiful in their own right. The ones that were the hardest on themselves were the ones I thought were actually so much more prettier inside and out than they knew they were.

Miki à la Mode - Love More

When I spoke about skincare, eating and fitness, I discovered I was the hardest on myself.  There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be better and feel better, but one thing I want to do more is love and appreciate what I have more.

It doesn’t matter what shape or size you are.  There is something about you that other people envy. You can have a curvaceous body, but let me tell you the thin girl might struggle with her skin and wish she had yours.  You can have a set of abs and a great ass, but have terrible skin and I can say, my skin hasn’t been even since I was 16 and can relate.

This is the year I plan to improve my fitness, travel experiences, relationships, but also to appreciate and love myself more in the process, and I wish nothing less for you.

If you liked this post, please comment below.  I’d love to hear your comments and know what resolutions you have as well.

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