
New York Fashion Week Diary – Day 3

February 25, 2017

NYFW Street Style As the snow had mostly melted on Day 3, I lightened my layers and slipped on my studded leather loafers and hit the streets. Since I booked my trip very last minute, I decided to only attend for the first 5 days of New York Fashion Week (NYFW). Even now, I feel incredibly grateful to even have the opportunity to attend. If I can give you any piece of advice, it’s to go after everything you want, have no regrets but always remain humble. Celebrate your achievements, but remember that there’s always room for improvements and growth.

NYFW Street Style StoretsNYFW Street Style Day 3NYFW Street Style DetailsNYFW StreetStyleNYFW Street StylesNYFW Street Style Outfit For both Day 1 and 2 of NYFW, I caught 3 shows and left NYFW site for 2 events. See my posts on New York Fashion Week Diary Day 1 and New York Fashion Week Diary Day 2 if you haven’t already.

By Day 3, I got into the habit of surviving off double to triple shot lattes, which always saves the day. Lucky for me Yuna Yang was showing off-site and it was right next to Doughnut Plant, which I had visited with Tom on our first trip together to New York. Inside, I was jumping for joy. I’m sorry, Fashion Week diet? What diet?

One of my favourite things about Fashion Month would probably be seeing what everyone is wearing in person. Street Style is always one of my favourite things about Fashion Week because you get to see so many great outfits in such great volume in person.

For my look of the day, I took on a flirtier take on a preppy look by layering a red crop top over an asymmetrical long shirt dress and navy ankle trousers. For jewelry, I wore layered rings and earrings. I originally went hunting for these amazing Dior pearl earrings, but when I went to Paris, I couldn’t find them. Instead, I found these Dior-inspired ones for a tiny fraction of the price. My Valentino B-Rockstud Striped bag exaggerated the lines from the plaid pattern of this fantastic caramel colored coat I got from Storets. For some modern edge, I finished the look with a studded loafer shoes.

Coat by Storets available here.
Red top similar available here.
Bag by Valentino B-Rockstud Stripe available here. Similar options here and here
Asymmetrical shirt available here, here, here and more affordable option here under $100.
Shoes by Schutz in the Beverly Hills location, but I’ve never seen them online or anywhere else, so they may have been exclusive.  Similar by Gucci here. More affordable option here.
Trousers by ZARA (prior season), similar available option I’m obsessed with, here.
Sunglasses by Gucci available here.

Do you keep up with New York Fashion Week? If so, what is your favourite thing about it? If not, have you been to New York City? What is your favourite restaurant/café to visit?

For more inspiration on style and travel, follow me on Bloglovin♥, Twitter and Instagram. Don’t forget to subscribe to my mailing list for special announcements and exclusive content.



Asymmetrical Shirt - New York Fashion Wee - Style Blogger - New York Fashion Week

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  • Paulina Szczepanska February 25, 2017 at 4:03 pm

    Love how you experiment with fashion, very bold style! I always feel so inspired when I see your looks.

    xoxo from California!


  • Merel February 25, 2017 at 4:45 pm

    This look is so pretty! Love it <3

    x Merel

  • Kit February 25, 2017 at 10:04 pm

    I’m so happy that you got to attend NYFW for yourself! One of my favorite parts of attending this year was definitely seeing all the different styles and having people with the same passion under one roof and city. Cheers! xx


  • Yasmin February 26, 2017 at 10:36 am

    OMG absolutely adore this look! Love the mix of stripes and plaid. It’s so chic, but not overly preppy. And those shoes are adorable! Hopefully your feet stayed warm. And when you’re running around NYC, it’s hard to stick to a diet. So when in NYC, eat a donut haha!

    xx Yasmin

  • gracie February 26, 2017 at 12:16 pm

    I just went to my first NYFW a few weeks ago & it was so much fun ! I wish the weather had been better but it was honestly such an amazing week. I had no idea how fast paced and exhausting it would be. The shows were so beautiful and like you, I loved seeing what people were wearing in person and was in awe and inspired ! My fave place to eat in NYC for a quick bite is By Chloe in SOHO. You should try it sometime if you get a chance 🙂
    Love your look above ! Very chic !

  • Thomas February 26, 2017 at 1:48 pm

    I’m glad the weather gave you a break on day 3! Running around in snow isn’t fun when you’re trying to stay stylish (not to mention your hair) while doing it… And I agree, what fashion week diet? Haha, just eat whatever you want as long as it’s good. I enjoy the fact that you did FW in such a nice pace as I tend to be running from show to presentation to show like crazy and sometimes it’s really not worth the effort. You chose the shows you wanted to see and that’s it. Looking forward to day 4 and 5 now! 🙂


  • Jordan February 26, 2017 at 4:19 pm

    NYFW is always a good idea!! I’ve been meaning to shop at Storets, they’ve got such amazing bits!
    Jordan xx

  • Debbie Savage February 26, 2017 at 6:15 pm

    I am totally inspired by this post and with what you are wearing! It is such a fantastic outfit!
    xo Debbie | http://www.tothineownstylebetrue.com

  • Candace February 26, 2017 at 6:26 pm

    I hope I’m able to attend NYFW soon. It sounds like a pretty amazing experience. I am loving the outfit you chose for these pics. You wear it perfectly!


  • Jo February 26, 2017 at 7:16 pm

    Love the way you layered your outfit! Such a stylish look. That asymmetrical shirt is uhmazing!!!

    xo, Jo

  • rachel vogt February 26, 2017 at 10:41 pm

    What a cute outfit babe, so chic and classy. Love your coat.
    xoxo, Rachel

  • Dee February 26, 2017 at 11:00 pm

    So fun to see your experience at NYFW, hope you enjoyed it a lot! Street style is also my favorite thing about fashion weeks, I could spend hours and hours looking at pictures! Also, loving this cool look you put together, that coat makes such an amazing statement!


  • Linh Dao February 27, 2017 at 12:18 am

    Okay, I seriously want to go to This next time! Can you take me with you!? I love this coat! Super beautiful babe! And that purse is absolutely amazing! Thank you for sharing this!


  • jasna February 27, 2017 at 4:04 am

    Only you. can pull off this outfit and look so stylish hun 🙂 xx

  • Stephanie February 27, 2017 at 8:05 am

    That coat is probably my favorite part of your NYFW looks so far! I love how gorgeous a statement it is!

    Stephanie // SheSawStyle.com

  • Sharka February 27, 2017 at 8:54 am

    I am crazy about your look and especially the asymmetrical shirt! Must have piece:) I feel for you in these slides on the snow! Hope it wasn’t that cold and lattes warmed you up a bit! kisses Sharka

  • The Fashion Folks February 27, 2017 at 10:20 am

    Ahh, yes to this outfit! I’ve said it before, but again, such a great matching and balance of red/white/camel. Love it, and definitely worthy of NYFW! And yes to your words, a great reminder of how to balance success and still remaining grateful! Humble but focused!

    Have a lovely week babe! Xx

  • Samantha Mariko February 28, 2017 at 6:25 am

    you are seriously so good at layering pieces! I love how you kept red the statement color and worked around that 🙂 I sincerely hope you enjoyed fashion week – it’s my dream to attend NYFW!

  • Susanne - Bag at you February 28, 2017 at 6:49 am

    This outfit is so pretty!! Really love your coat and all the layering under it! Love your style and can’t wait to see more..! Big Xx Susanne – http://bagatyou.com

  • Maray February 28, 2017 at 7:36 am

    Beautiful coat! 🙂


  • emily February 28, 2017 at 9:52 am

    Oh I so hope to make it to NYFW one day.. if only to get to see all the street style up close! You have styled this look to perfection babe! The oversized layers are so good!
    x Emily

  • francesca February 28, 2017 at 11:54 am

    Big fan of how you layered your sweater over the shirt. Love love looks like this!
    Frank Vinyl : A California Fashion Blog

  • Sharon Wu February 28, 2017 at 2:58 pm

    I am obsessed with this outfit babe! Your layering game is so strong!!! Looks like you had a blast at NYFW 🙂 Wish I could be there too! xo, sharon


  • Tatjana March 3, 2017 at 12:30 am

    The storets coat is beautiful and it complements the rest of the outfit perfectly!

    Love from https://tbymallano.com/

  • Josie March 4, 2017 at 9:15 am

    I love how you layered these pieces girl! Bold and stylish! Also love these mules … so pretty!

    Bisous, Josie

  • Deddeh Howard March 5, 2017 at 4:53 pm

    I can’t get over these beautiful colors, you look so beautiful and fashionable😘

  • Bernice March 14, 2017 at 4:46 am

    I love these brighter layers! The shades go so well together xx


  • marcy March 15, 2017 at 2:45 am

    Obsess with this look babe the long white shirt is stunning and how you mixed in general.
    Love your style babe
