
Pleasant Surprises

December 9, 2015


Warm fall weather can be a little challenging for people who want to dress for warm weather, but look like it’s intentionally done for a cooler season.  For me, this jumpsuit fit the bill.  It’s a great color that’s suitable for fall and winter, but when I feel hot, can remove my jacket.

During the evening of arrival into Orlando my initial plans had fallen through.  We were very disappointed, but still had time to make the most of the evening, so my husband got dressed and I threw on this wine colored jumpsuit and we went out for dinner.

As we ordered dessert, the lady seated next to us leaned over and handed us a pair of tickets for the opening night of the stage production for Cinderella – which happened to be taking place that evening.


With our love of musicals, you can imagine how excited we were to go! After the production, we snapped a couple of pictures.  It was the end of fall and still humid where I was traveling.  I made the best of both worlds, wearing something suited for warm weather, but in a rich wine color.




I love the wrap detail at the waist. It’s flattering and the tie adds some feminine detail to a full piece that’s in a solid color.


Had our plans not have fallen through, we would’ve spent the evening differently and wouldn’t have caught this beautiful production. It’s been one of the most memorable moments on the trip yet. Sometimes when the day doesn’t turn out the way you want, it can work out to be something better than you expected.  Like Cinderella’s tale, it turned out to be a magical evening.

Outfit: Jumpsuit by Nasty Gal, similar fit here.  Shoes (old) by ZARA, similar fall/winter version here.

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