I hope you and your loved ones all had a wonderful holiday! I’ve been away since the start of December. I went to Costa Rica for almost 2 weeks, flew into Minnesota for a couple of days. As soon as I returned, I hosted family visiting from Canada for a month and went beach hopping around the state. It was so nice spending Christmas with my family in Miami. Some of my family flew back shortly after Christmas while the rest continued beach hopping around Florida so Tom and I took the opportunity to fly out to Baltimore to surprise some of his family. His grandparents always spoil us and I feel like a kid again. Having owned this beautiful, soft purple coat for some time and knowing it wasn’t going to get very cold in Florida, I decided to wear it to both Minnesota and Baltimore where it was frosty.
Since I hardly see family all year-round, I spent most of my time with them and took a nice break from social media. This gave me so much time to reflect on the year and focus on what was truly important.
Every year there are plenty of highs and lows. While it’s never perfect, I always believe we should feel so blessed for what we have and what we’ve achieved. Think not what failures or misses you’ve had, but what you’ve learned; not what you wish you had done, but what you can look forward to. So, I’d like to start my first post of the year sharing tips on how I made a few changes the last few months and weeks to increase my quality of life.
Coat purchased here but similar options below.

Below are tips that helped me stay focused, de-stress and helped me re-prioritize my time. They’ve helped me manage stress, achieve a happier, healthier lifestyle that I felt I could maintain over my lifetime.
Have you ever felt like you’ve kind of hit a wall with where you are? Just a few months ago, I felt overwhelmed by how far I felt I’d fallen with work. I hadn’t missed any deadlines, but I wasn’t hitting the timelines I had hoped I would. I didn’t feel like I was doing enough to get myself where I wanted to be. In a rush to do as many things as we possibly can, we often lose sight of why we do what we had been doing to begin with.
I recently started reminding myself of what my purpose (or bottom line) was on a regular basis. When I make decisions, or when I feel stressed out, I always go back to this bottom line – the lifestyle I want and how I’d like to live when I retire.
Whether yours is to have more down time, to make more money, to travel more, have more family time or being healthier or more fit, ask yourself whether it meets your bottom line and make conscious choices that add to your quality of life. Pretend you’re writing a list of all your amazing accomplishments at the end of this year. These are goals that are part of your bottom line. Prioritize your time and to start enjoying some of these activities today. You’ll be so happy you did.
At times you’ll look at someone else and think they have something you desire that’s better than what you have. He or She might have a better job, a bigger house, nicer hair, more expensive car, and well, the list can go on, am I right? You might even look at how you look or felt in the past and don’t feel you measure up with where you are today. Often more material things means a lot more work and less time to do the things you enjoy. No one lives the life you have. There are perks to being exactly who you are and being what you are at this moment. If not to set an example for yourself, for others. Sometimes I envy others for having a 9 to 5 job, but if I couldn’t take work with me wherever I go, I wouldn’t travel as much as I do. While others can travel and leave work behind, I simply cannot always afford to do that, but that’s the nature of my work, so I compensate by trying to be away for longer. The key is to forgive yourself for not being able to do everything or have everything you wish you had. We are all truly blessed for what we have.
We all have our own goals in life, but you cannot get there without taking some down time. I had been notoriously bad at this. I am the type of person that needs to go-go-go. All my friends would tell me I need to stop and breathe or give myself time to rest. These last few weeks really made me realize that self love is more important than most of us think. This pleasure in giving ourselves more time means a greater well-being, better quality of life and spending time to reflect on how far you’ve come. It gives us time to get excited for what might be in our near future and indulge in the little things that make us happy. I particularly enjoy reading and listening to inspiring talks. TEDxTalks are highly addictive and are amazing to listen to when you’re in transit or doing things around the house. My sister also sent me one by Darren Hardy who has a website on Daily Mentoring. If you guys would like to see a list of some of my favourites, I’ll share it in an upcoming post. I’d love to hear some of your own favourite inspiring podcasts and content too! Last year, I also kept telling myself I’d pick up a book and read more, so I’ve started compiling a list and put aside some books I received as gifts from over a year ago to start read before bed, which brings me to my final point.
One of the most popular sayings is “Time is Money” but the one thing I say on a regular basis is something my sister told me after I finished my contract in Japan and made the conscious choice to travel for a few months. See, at this time, I was worried about spending money and not making any, but I was still young and she said to me, “You can always make money, but you can’t buy back your time.” The truth is, once you find a career or full time job, it’s hard to leave it and give yourself the pleasure of more down time. Her words actually formed the way I had soon come to live. In your lifetime, you might find yourself blurring the lines between work and pleasure, so it’s important to define your time. For example, at dinner, I can use my phone to take photos, but after that, I do not allow myself to use it until the meal is over. When I’m around others, I can take photos, but will avoid any social media activities unless I have pressing deadlines due during my time with others. On vacation, I will only work if I am on my own and at that time, I select a spot with the most incredible view to enjoy a drink or dessert, so that I can take it all in before and after I am finished. This definition of time lets me live in the moment much more and enjoy the journey. How will you define your time?
I hope you enjoyed this post and that this helps provide some perspective in your own life. These 4 things have really helped me the last few months. It’s reminded me of what’s truly important and reduced some pressure and stress on less significant things. Adding inspiring videos/content, reminding myself of my bottom line and allows myself more down time to unwind, and defining my time has really help me prioritize my time with friends/family and lets me live in the moment when I’m not working. If you have your own tips, I’d love to hear. Should you have any podcasts, videos or books you love, let me know in the comments below!
For more inspiration on style and travel, follow me on Bloglovin♥, Twitter and Instagram. Don’t forget to subscribe to my mailing list for special announcements and exclusive content.
Omg I swear this coat was MADE FOR YOU Miki
I’m glad you convinced me to get one too because I love it! Can’t wait to wear it somewhere cooler lol. Hope it’ll look as cute on me as it does on you! Gotta go up the mountains for some cooler weather because the storm barely lasted a day in Palm Springs haha. I totally agree with you — self love is key to increasing quality of life! I’m actively working on that myself. xoxo, sharon
Thankss so much Sharon!! Can’t wait to see the coat on you!! I always feel like self love is always a work in progress lol We are always so hard on ourselves, right?
That coat on you is everything!! Omg!! That colour is off the hook! Great shots and you look wonderful. Thanks for the tips. Really helpful!! Comparison is indeed the thief of joy. I so have that in the fore-front of me this year. Having said that, society can put pressure on us. Ayways great pointers beautiful lady.
You are too sweet. Thanks so much! I know what you mean – social media, advertising can really subconsciously affect us all! Have a lovely week Missy!
These photos are beautiful and I love this faux fur coat! What a winter wonderland of a backdrop! That being said, I definitely think taking time for yourself is so crucial in this day and age. It’s hard not to compare and see what others are doing especially in such a socially connected world, but putting down that phone and focusing on yourself, your happiness and family is what really matters. I definitely need to take more of this into consideration and find a better balance. xoxo, Christine
It really is a winter wonderland lol I kind of miss it, and I miss wearing snuggly coats like this one.
Comparison is definitely hard. We are our own worst critics, but being unique is really a strength and even I forget that from time to time.
Thanks so much, Christine!
Such an amazing post and practical tips! I also love your fluffy coat. It looks so comfy and warm!
Thanks so much! So glad you enjoyed it.
Haha, this coat is my favourite for this season.
I actually call it my monsters inc coat. lol
Such a gorgeous coat and love the purple cast to the photos. And excellent post to start off the new year. One can definitely burn out. I know I have been feeling this way. And it is hard not to compare for sure. Thanks for the great advice!
Ahh, the burnout is the rough. Every few months it feels like I’m chasing and chasing deadlines. Glad you enjoyed the post! Comparison is probably the hardest. We are all so hard on ourselves. Thanks so much Allie! Have a great week.
These are really great tips. I love all of the inspo.
Thanks Courtney! Glad you enjoyed the post!
A great outfit, fantastic pictures and superb booties … combined with an interesting post; well done
Great tips, it’s so hard for me not to compare myself to others but I’m working on it! Love the coat
Beauty & Colour | Vegan Lifestyle Blog
Thanks so much! Glad you enjoyed it!
that coat is so beautiful
The Glossychic
Thanks so much!
Just love love LOOUUVEE your outfit!! Thanks for sharing very realistic tips, I have always struggled with loving myself, mostly would compare myself to others and feel belittled. This year I am determined to work on it, reading your advice definitely helped with the motivation

Hope you’re having a lovely weekend!
I’m so glad you enjoyed it. I’m so sorry to hear it’s been rough for you. I hope that you are surrounded by incredible people who lift you up whenever you are down, babe. Have a lovely week, and hoping this year is your happiest and best one yet!
thank you for sharing such a beautiful post. It couldn’t be more true that you can’t back time but there is always time to make money.
Your photos are so beautiful and that fur jacket is so cute!
Thanks so much. It’s something I really live by. Saving is still very important, but treating yourself and taking time to reward yourself with expeeriences I think is priceless.
Have a great week!
Making good use of my time and also giving myself the quality “me” time is so important, so I’m glad you included those tips! I love this pink coat, it’s such a great statement piece!! A bit late but Happy New Year and wishing you a great 2018!<3
Thanks so much Samantha! I hope you do find more time for yourself this year and moving forward!!
Wishing you an amazing 2018 babe.
I love the “define your time” tip, so so important to be conscious of how you’re spending your time. great post
So glad you enjoyed it babe. I appreciatee the kind feedback! Have a wonderful week!
That coat is goals and love it with the boots babe!
x Rubi
Pose & Repeat
Thanks so much Rubi!
How valuable is that downtime over Christmas?! I don’t think I have ever appreciated it more as that time of year was either busier than ever for me or just another time in which I wouldn’t slow down. Making time to spend practising self-care and looking back at what I want to achieve without comparison or pressure has meant the start of this year is so much lighter!
Excellent tips!
xx Jenelle
So valuable, and totally needed. Your year sounds successful and amazing so far. Keep it up Jenelle and hope you have an amazing 2018!!
What a nice read. I agree on everything you said here dear. Especially on your second point. Indeed, most of us can’t help but compare out lives and situation to others. And often times, we feel jealous of other people’s success. When in reality, we dont know what those people have been through to get to where they are. And most importantly, we all have our different roads to take. Thanks for the inspiration dear. And oh by the way, that fur coat is fabulous!
Jessica | notjessfashion.com
I just love your stunning outfit.!
Thanks for the tips =). I could definitely use them
Couldn’t be truer, thank you for sharing!! xxx